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Ujung Kulon National Park - Pandeglang

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 Banten Tourist Attractions
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Venue Name: Ujung Kulon National Park
Address 1: Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan No.51 Labuan
Address 2:
City: Pandeglang
State / Province: Banten
Postal Code: 42264
Phone Number:
Website: More Information about Ujung Kulon National Park

Tourist Attraction Category Tourist Attraction Type Venue Name Hours of Operation Price Range Rating Value Rating Tourist Attraction Description
Land Tourist Attractions National and State Parks Ujung Kulon National Park Morning to Evening Free Not Rated Not Rated Ujung Kulon National Park is located in the southwest of Java, and is part of the district of Pandeglang. To the east of the National Park of Gunung Honje ridge runs north-south, which rises up to 620 m. At the southern end joins a peninsula to the west.
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